PRICING (Updated 19th of August, 2024)


SizeHalf-Render Price3/4th-Render PriceFull-Render Price
1st/Base Character↩   
Bust up:$25$30$50
Half Body (Hips-up):$30$40$65
Knee Up:$35$55$75
Full Body:$45$65$85
Extra Characters↩   
2nd Extra Character:$BP-$5$BP-$7$BP-$10
3rd+ Extra Character/s:$BP-$3$BP-$5$BP-$7
Commercial Use+25%+50%+75%

*What's the difference between Half-render, 3/4th-Render, and Full-Render?
Half-Render is rendered at 50-60px headsize per character.
3/4th-Render is rendered at 70-80px headsize per character.
Full-Render is rendered at 100-110px headsize per character.
What's the difference? I made this because there is a difference in difficulty when it comes to rendering characters at different headsizes per character. For example: Some characters will be far away from other characters, so they will be rendered differently. This pricing method is fairer when it comes to multiple characters at different distances.
(If a character is even smaller than half-render's 50-60px headsize, there will be a more thorough price reduction.)
Example of headsize below:

Simple Background:
Complex Background:
Starting at $15.00 will go up in price based on complexity of the background.
*(Silhouettes of characters counts as background instead of character pricing.)
Starting at $2 per variation and sequences. Duplicates of variation between sequences do not apply unless they have a difference in appearance.
*Availing sequences and variations incur a 10% Technical Fee of the total sequence and variations.

I. Prices are subject to complexity fees. If your character have complex designs like modern firearms, full knight armor, etc., you will get an additional flat price over that character.
II. Culling lowers price. Culling means when something is blocking something, so that thing behind is not drawn. That will lower the overall price of a project.For example: Imagine a full body of Character A and Character B. Char. B is standing, posing, while the entire right side of Pat's body is behind Char. A.
Since Char A's body only shows half, that means the price is also almost halved, even if it's technically full body.
III. Extra characters count if it's smaller than the 1st character's size. You cannot have the 1st character be half-body while the extra character be full-body.IV. 3rd+ Extra characters discount means "after the second character". That means the third, fourth, fifth and there on.V. Reservation is the act of messaging the artist and wanting a reserve slot for future notice when the artist is not currently available to work for your commission. When there's a sale, reserving on that date while the sale is on-going makes your future commission have the same price as the sale, even if the sale has already ended.

!!KO-FI DISCOUNT!!. If you're subscribing to my Ko-fi's monthly support, you are eligible to a discount.
Every $3 donated is a $1 minus, limited to $10.

*This only applies to commissions once per month.


*USD in Paypal with Invoice, pay partially or upfront.
*GCash Send Money feature, (Philippine Use Only)
I cannot take more than two commissions from one client unless I don't have other clients at the moment.
I'm always working and available from Mondays-Fridays, and I will not be able to respond to inquiries in Saturdays-Sundays, as I will be outside, away from my workspace those times. Please understand.
For Personal use projects, your drawings will be posted in my social media accounts with a watermark, and credit you with the commission unless you state to be left anonymous.
For Commercial use projects, I, the artist will not share it in any public social media, since it's strictly your possession once it's made and finalized.
Pay immediately; or pay half immediately, and give the other half when you accept the artwork. Once you pay, you cannot revoke the drawing and ask a return for the payment!If you availed for a partial payment, then the second payment is due at the second update which is clean sketch.
Partial payment only applies to projects costing more than $130.
After the rough sketch is submitted, approved and paid, you cannot ask for a refund. Once you pay, I’m already working on it, so please understand.
However, if I haven’t responded for over 2 months with any updates to the commission when you have already paid for it, that’s pretty much a good reason to ask for a refund and I will give it back. Shame me on Twitter too, but rest assured, I’ve always delivered works completely!NO FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE TREATMENT
I wish to take my pace because it has been easier to burn out from commissions, so I will rather choose what to work on first.
a. If your project is larger, it will be more likely to be worked on.
b. If your work is under "Promos" table in Do's & Dont's, then it will be more likely to be worked on.

Any major revisions you demand like a part of the pose will be charged by the size based on the variation price. You cannot ask to change the entire pose. Minor revisions like color, you can ask many times.
Give me a description of your commission and 1-3 pictures of the character, props and backgrounds you want.
Please make sure the characters are all similar in appearance. If you want the work to be faster, give me a similar or exact pose of the character, be it your own sketch like a stickman, a screenshot of that character in the pose, or a picture of the exact pose. I have the right to decline if your commission lacks details.
My usual time scale for a full body is between 1-4* weeks. For example, a half body will not take more than 2 weeks, while a full body will take 3-4 weeks.
It depends on the complexity of the drawing too, but I will make sure that it will not take 4 months if possible for the bigger projects. (18 weeks)
Please do refrain from asking updates; I am making sure that your commission is being worked on, and once a major milestone is completely worked on, I will then show an update to you!Note: Time scale starts when I have been paid for the commission.ACTIVE AND RESERVED COMMISSIONS
Reservations are a way for me to get back to you immediately once there’s a commission slot available or once my commissions have opened. I will only remind you once though!
Feel free to ask for a reservation while my active slots are still open. (the #/5 thingy in my twitter username is the active slot counter.)
If you haven’t responded in 3 days, I will put you on reservation again. Please understand that people are also waiting for their commission to be worked on.


Sequences are dynamic changes in a static element in a drawing, and can be many and affected by “time”.
By dynamic, it means that it changes over the course of the images unlike variations. For example: a hand gesture changes from a thumbs-up to a peace sign, and to an OK-sign all iin the same variation. Those are sequences.
Sequences are not new poses in a drawing. For example: If the same character appears in another different pose or in a different perspective in the same drawing, it is counted as an extra character. If there’s a change in the character that will not change for all sequences, for example, a different appearance to their clothing or props held, it’s a variation.
Price is congruent to the amount of variations, and the size of the sequence.
Explanation of the price: If there are 3 variations, and within each of those variations are the same 7 sequences, the price should say: 7n*3.
However, unique sequences in only one variation will not get multiplied by variation count.

Variations are static changes on an element in drawing
Variations are for example: Clothing changes within sequences, background changes within sequences, prop changes within sequences. These do not change in the span of sequences.
Price is congruent to the size of the variation.
For example, if a character is wearing a school uniform and you want a variation of a school swimsuit, normally a school swimsuit is as large as the torso, but it also removes the skirt of a school uniform which hides the legs, the shoulders and shows the clavicle of the character for context and changes shadows, so the price would be around $10-20 depending on complexity. How large the change is how much will be priced.
However, if the variation is a simple change of a color of an element, it’s free. For example, you want a character’s hair to be changed from red to green.


I have done animations, but the problem is that I cannot work on animations with new clients, since I need to draw a rough sketch first unpaid which will take awhile, and I do need trust on this part since it really takes awhile.*Only returning clients or people who were referred by my previous clients can avail for an animation.*Animations are paid by each frame an element changes in appearance, with the price of the size of each changes the same price as making sequences.
That means $2 - $30 per frames of element changes x Variation Count.
To start with an animation, I will work on a rough sketch animation to cement everything, and will then tally up each changes per elements into a receipt.There will then be an additional charge of 20% Technical Fee of the total price of the project. This additional charge is due to dealing with the timings, frame adjustments, consistency between static elements and dynamic elements.If you want an animation, please tell me!Formula:
A = Static Base Price + Total Frames of Element Changes Price
Total = A+(A*.20)


Promo: (Updated May 3, 2024)
Monster girls or monsters!
Characters eating food. Food must be a main subject.
Characters doing a workout in a gym/home gym.
Bocchi the Rock
Apothecary Diaries

The promos change frequently based on media or experiences I come around with.If your commission qualifies for one, I will make sure your commission will be more likely to be in high priority.
You will receive something free, from an image sequence, a variation, an additional detail to a work or a separate rough sketch in tandem with the commission's artwork.

Able to draw:
Non-Human Humanoids or Anthromorphs, like kemono, furry, scalies, animals and monsters.
Non-safe works.
Will not draw:
Extreme fetishes.
Abuse of any sorts, rape or implied cheating and netorare/netori.
No real life or caricatures.


Contact me through any of these accounts! Click the underlined name to be redirected to the site.
Email: [email protected]
Discord: karamelflan
Main Twitter: karamelflan
Alt Twitter: karamelflan
BlueSky: karamelflan

If you are interested with commissioning me, please do contact any of the accounts.
You can just send the details over, and we'll discuss how it'll work.
Once you do, please make sure that your details have been worked through, and you have provided enough references.
Better details and more references make for less questions asked and a faster delivery!
Thank you very much for considering.
If you can see this, then say "Good tidings!" to me for a promo!
This is the flow of the commission: (you don't need to read it lol)1.) Send me the commission details first. You can ask questions that you need answers on, no worries!2.) I might also ask questions about the details if I need more info. Ultimately, I will offer a rough sketch, which is a sketch of the poses, perspective, and background.3.) Once I'm finished drawing the rough sketch, I will then show it to you for approval. Once approved, I will tell you the price of your commission.If you accept the price of the commission, I will ask you to send me your Paypal email for Invoice, or Request Money in GCash. Once paid, I will then continue on drawing the clean sketch.
NOTE: If you cannot pay for the full price yet, I always offer partial payment around and above $130.
4.) I will send you a clean sketch before the final rendering. This is for cementing the posing of the characters, perspective of the viewer, and the setting of the background. I will not include the variations around this point, only afterwards. Feel free to ask for revisions around this time as much as possible.5.) After the clean sketch is approved, I will then work onto the final rendering.
I will send you the final full rendered drawing, along with its sequences and variations. I will send a drive link with the pictures, and 2x or 4x scaled pictures if you want them.
If you want revisions, they will need to be paid appropriately.
6.) If the commission is not paid for commercial use, I will post your commission in my social media while also mentioning your Twitter or Discord name.
*If the commission has explicit content, I’m afraid I cannot mention you in the post, but only in the comments for terms and condition concerns.
*If you have any reasons, you can request to opt out of being mentioned in Twitter.